Bring Hope
Practice Mercy

Serving vulnerable women and children at the Mexico-US Border, in the Rio Grande Valley.

Serving vulnerable women and children at the Mexico-US Border, in the Rio Grande Valley.

Our mission is to redeem the narrative of immigration and to support asylum seekers along the southern border.

Our mission is to redeem the narrative of immigration and to support asylum seekers along the southern border.

We know the people we serve

We know the people
we serve

Learn to do right;
seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.
Isaiah 1:17

Our work at the Border

Our work
at the Border


Our ministry is a ministry of presence; a presence that brings the hope of Jesus, the mercy of Jesus and love of Jesus by nature of building genuine friendships.


Because of your charitable gifts and donations we are able to provide for basic needs such as clothing, footwear, vitamins, toiletries, and coverage for medical expenses.


We work to raise awareness of policy impact, correct narratives and connect migrants with lawyers and/or shelters so they can take the next steps in their journey.

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